Perpetual Doom Presents:
Space Happy: Phil Thomas Katt and The Uncharted Zone
Space Happy: Phil Thomas Katt and The Uncharted Zone is a feature-length documentary about a group of ragtag artists making low-budget music videos in Pensacola, Florida under the direction of the eccentric Phil Thomas Katt. Spanning over five decades of footage, Space Happy is a portrayal of creative minds pursuing art against all odds.
Slamdance Film Festival
Ely Film, Art, and Music Festival
Florida Film Festival
Chattanooga Film Festival
Woollystar Music Festival
Sidewalk Film Festival
& More
More TBA
Previous Screenings:
The objective of this documentary is to provide viewers with a unique glimpse into the world of outsider artists striving to achieve a balance between success and happiness. It also highlights the fact that ambition alone does not guarantee either outcome. The film aims to not only entertain, but also inspire and instill hope among the audience.
"Space Happy: Phil Thomas Katt and The Uncharted Zone" is the debut feature film from Perpetual Doom Productions, an independent label and production company established by Louis Crisitello. The company has become a sanctuary for alternative artists to showcase their music, publications, art, and other creations.
If you are interested in screening the film or booking the Filmmaker, Producers and/or Talent from the film, please email the following information to contact@perpetualdoom.com:
Name of Organization
Preferred Date(s)
Screening and/or Speaking
Please be sure to put SPACE HAPPY FILM in the Subject.